CC- (1) Acceptance of Work Performed by Pacwest American Scales, LLC, and (2) Authorization to File a Notice of Completion, for the Transfer Station Scale Replacement Project, PZ-948.
Meeting Date: April 11, 2017
Contact Person/Dept: Lee Torres/PW Dept.
Phone Number: (310) 253-6457
Fiscal Impact: Yes [x] No [] General Fund: Yes [x] No []
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [x] Attachments: []
Commission Action Required: Yes [] No [x]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (04/04/17);
Department Approval: Charles D. Herbertson (03/29/17)
Staff recommends the City Council (1) Accept the work performed by Pacwest American Scales, LLC, for the Transfer Station Scale Replacement Project, PZ-948; and (2) Authorize filing a Notice of Completion.
The City owns and operates a solid waste transfer station at 9255 Jefferson Boulevard. Solid waste and recycling collected by the Public Works Environmental Programs and Operations Division (EPO) trucks is transferred to tractor/trailer transfer trucks at the facility for transit to area landfills, composting facilities or recycling centers. Roll-off service, organics waste processing, recycled material handling and all other waste management operations are also based at this facility.
Collection vehicles are weighed on the upper level platform scale before they enter the facility for billing purposes and to track waste stream tonnages for reporting to the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services and for AB939 compliance purposes. Transfer trucks are weighed on the lower level tunnel axle scale as they are being loaded to assure they do not exceed legal maximum axle loads per the California Vehicle Code.
Inspection revealed that the tunnel axle and platform scales were deteriorated, weighing accuracy was affected, and were at the end of their useful life. In addition, a signal system exists on the east pit, but is not used consistently due to its configuration. It is recommended that an enhanced pit indicator be installed on the east pit and a new indicator system be installed on the west pit. This enables better communication between the pit and the transfer station flow for loading operations.
On December 8, 2014, the City Council approved a construction contract to Pacwest American Scale LLC (Pacwest Scales) in the amount of $220,805.30 for the replacement of the upper level truck platform scale and the lower level tunnel axle scale system. On March 28, 2016, City Council approved an amendment to Pac West Scales’ contract due to design modifications to the tunnel axle scales in the amount of $131,612.73.
The replacement of the upper level truck platform scale and tunnel axle scales were completed on July 21, 2015, and December 30, 2016, respectively.
Change Orders
The City Council approved a contingency amount of $32,000 for the construction contract. There were two (2) change orders approved in the total amount of $6,112.27 for construction safety equipment, temporary scale rental, and rubber t-belts to protect against debris entering the underground scale pits.
Retention Funds
On March 14, 2017, Staff released full payment to Pacwest that included all retention. Staff will ensure a letter from Pacwest is obtained confirming all material suppliers and rental companies has been paid in full by Pacwest.
Project Budget |
Refuse Improvements (20280000.730100.PZ948) |
$364,049.38 |
Available Funds |
$364,049.38 |
Final Project Expenses |
Revised Construction Contract |
$320,418.03 |
Change Order |
$6,112.27 |
Subtotal |
$326,530.30 |
Structural Observation Services |
$5,140.00 |
Geotechnical Construction Services (Observation & Testing) |
$5,851.35 |
Total Project Expenses |
$337,521.65 |
That the City Council:
1. Accept the work performed by Pacwest American Scales, LLC for the Transfer Station Scale Improvement Project, PZ948; and
2. Authorize the Public Works Director/City Engineer to execute the Notice of
Completion and submit it to the Los Angeles County Recorder’s office.