CC - CONSENT ITEM: Approval of an Amendment to the Existing Professional Services Agreement with Marina Landscape Services, Inc., to Continue City-Wide Landscape Maintenance Services for an Additional Four-Month Period in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $77,000
Meeting Date: January 23, 2023
Contact Person/Dept.: Dani Cullens/PRCS
Phone Number: (310) 253-6471
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [] General Fund: Yes [X] No []
Attachments: Yes [] No [X]
Commission Action Required: Yes [] No [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (01/18/2023)
Department Approval: Armando Abrego, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director (01/11/2023)
Staff recommends the City Council approve an amendment to the existing professional services agreement with Marina Landscape Services, Inc., to continue City-wide landscape services for an additional period of four months in an amount not-to-exceed $77,000.
The City relies on specialized expertise to provide landscape maintenance services throughout the City. Marina Landscape Services, Inc. (Marina Landscape), has been contracted with the City since 2018 and provides labor, supplies, and landscape maintenance services.
Culver City Municipal Code Section 3.07.045 requires that a competitive bidding process be followed upon expiration of a professional services agreement. City Council approved a six-month amendment on June 13, 2022 to complete the request for proposals (RFP) process and secure a vendor. However, as a result of the need to refine and update the expanded scope of work and wanting to ensure a thorough and transparent process that includes additional time for prospective bidders, an extension to the current Marina Landscape agreement is being requested through April 30, 2023. This four-month extension, if approved, will ensure continuation of necessary landscape maintenance services during the period needed to complete the City’s RFP process.
Staff requests the City Council authorize up to a not-to-exceed amount of $77,000 through April 30, 2023 to cover the four-month extension. Sufficient funds have been included in Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2022/2023 in Account 10130300.619800 (Parks Division - Other Contractual Services) to fund these services.
That the City Council:
1. Approve an amendment to the existing professional services agreement with Marina Landscape Services, Inc., for a period of four months in an amount not to exceed $77,000; and,
2. Authorize the City Attorney to review/prepare the necessary documents; and,
3. Authorize the City Manager to execute such documents on behalf of the City.