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File #: 24-144    Version: 1 Name: Implementation of Fox Hills NTMP and Bikeways Project
Type: Minute Order Status: Action Item
File created: 7/31/2023 In control: City Council Meeting Agenda
On agenda: 8/28/2023 Final action:
Title: CC - ACTION ITEM: Discussion and Direction Regarding Expediting Implementation of the Fox Hills Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan and Bikeways Project.


CC - ACTION ITEM:  Discussion and Direction Regarding Expediting Implementation of the Fox Hills Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan and Bikeways Project.



Meeting Date:                                           August 28, 2023


Contact Person/Dept:                     Thomas Check/Public Works - Mobility & Traffic Engineering


Phone Number:                                            (310) 253-5627


Fiscal Impact:  Yes [X]    No []                                                                General Fund:  Yes [X]     No []


Attachments:   Yes []    No [X]


Commission Action Required:     Yes []     No [X]   


Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (08/23/2023)


Department Approval:  Yanni Demitri, Public Works Director/City Engineer (08/16/2023)





Staff recommends the City Council discuss and provide direction to the City Manager to expedite the Fox Hills Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan (NTMP) and Bikeways Project.





The Fox Hills NTMP and Bikeways Project (Project) is an ongoing, collaborative effort with the community to identify and address traffic-related concerns in the Fox Hills neighborhood. The overall goal of these improvements is to improve quality of life in the City by implementing new and/or improved facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists, calming vehicular traffic, and increasing roadway safety. The Project implements elements of City’s Bicycle & Pedestrian Action Plan adopted by Council in June 2020 and includes various traffic calming measures, including:


                     Protected bicycle lanes on Green Valley Circle from Sepulveda Boulevard to Centinela Avenue, Bristol Parkway from Centinela Avenue to Hannum Avenue, and Buckingham Parkway from Green Valley Circle to Hannum Avenue/Buckingham Parkway.

                     A combination of protected and conventional lanes on Hannum Avenue between Slauson Avenue and Bristol Parkway based on available right-of-way.

o                     Protected bicycle facilities on Hannum Avenue between Slauson Avenue and Playa Street are included as part of the Overland-Playa Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements project currently in design.

                     Roundabouts at Buckingham Parkway & Kensington Way and Buckingham Parkway & Windsor Way.

                     Speed humps at various locations on Doverwood and Canterbury Drives and Kensington, Sumner, Windsor, and Cambridge Ways.

                     Curb extensions and other pedestrian improvements, including a new crosswalk at Doverwood Drive & Green Valley Circle and improvements to the existing crosswalk at Buckingham Parkway & Sumner Way.





The Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget includes $621,370 for construction of the Project. Permanent improvements, which will require traffic signal modifications and civil work (e.g., concrete islands to create a protected bike lane, ADA ramps, etc.) are estimated to cost $11.8 million and would require external grant funding.


By contrast, the cost to implement improvements under a quick build model is estimated at $2.5 million. A quick build implementation would not include signal modifications, and civil work would be limited to only those elements that could not be achieved using quick build materials (e.g., ADA curb ramps). Other civil improvements, such as the protected bike lanes, curb extensions, and roundabouts, would be installed using materials like striping, signage, and delineators. Staff anticipates being able to complete a full quick build design by the end of the fiscal year (i.e., June 2024). Construction would take place in early Fiscal Year 2024-2025, pending funding.


Understanding the desire to bring improvements to the Fox Hills community this fiscal year, staff identified the following quick build project elements that could be designed by February 2024 and constructed by June 2024 within the current budget of $621,370:


                     Speed humps: 12 total distributed on Doverwood Drive, Canterbury Drive, and Kensington, Sumner, Windsor, and Cambridge Ways

                     Speed feedback signs: 4 total on Bristol Parkway and Green Valley Circle)

                     New pedestrian crosswalk, ADA curb ramps, and flashing warning lights: Green Valley Circle & Doverwood Drive

                     Striping improvements: Various locations, including new centerline striping on Cambridge Way and Uplander Way


Staff anticipates that design of the remaining quick build project elements would be complete by early Fiscal Year 2024-2025, and construction would take place in mid to late Fiscal Year 2024-2025, pending funding.





The Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 includes $621,3700 for construction of the Project in Capital Improvement Projects PZ293 (Fox Hills Neighborhood Traffic Management and Bikeway Project) and PO009 (Neighborhood NTMP). To facilitate implementation of the Project, Council may consider the following options:


1.                     Design and construct a subset of quick build improvements as described above by June 2024 within the adopted fiscal year budget. Funding and construction for the remaining quick build improvements will be included as part of the CIP in the Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 and will be constructed in mid to late Fiscal Year 2024-2025. Funding could come from a combination of Special Funds (such as Measure M Local Return) and General Fund.


2.                     Appropriate $2 million from Unassigned General Fund Balance to fund all quick build improvements to constructed in Fiscal Year 2024-2025. Under this option, no quick build improvements would be constructed this fiscal year, but construction would be slightly accelerated (anticipated early Fiscal Year 2024-2025).


As an alternative to Option 1, funding and construction for the remaining quick build improvements could be included as an addition to the CIP in the Midyear Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 and could be constructed in mid to late Fiscal Year 2024-2025. However, this would not allow for any funding to come from Special Funds and would solely use the General Fund.


Staff will return to Council based on the direction given with a budget action as necessary and will continue to pursue grant funding for permanent improvements concurrently with any type of quick build implementation.





That the City Council:


Discuss and provide direction to the City Manager to expedite implementation of the Fox Hills Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan and Bikeways Project.