CC - CONSENT ITEM: (1) Award of a Construction Contract to Newbuild Construction and Restoration, Inc. as the Lowest Responsive and Responsible Bidder, in the Amount of $394,300 for the Police Station Windows Replacement Project; and (2) Authorization to the Public Works Director/City Engineer to Approve Change Orders to the Contract in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $45,882 to Cover Contingency Costs.
Meeting Date: July 8, 2024
Contact Person/Dept: Joe Susca/Public Works-Administration
Phone Number: (310) 253-5636
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [ ] General Fund: Yes [X] No [ ]
Attachments: Yes [ ] No [X]
Public Notification: E-Mail: (07/02/2024) Meetings and Agendas - City Council; (05/02/2024) Newbuild Construction and Restoration, Inc.
Department Approval: Yanni Demitri, Public Works Director/City Engineer (06/17/2024)
Staff recommends the City Council: (1) approve a contract with Newbuild Construction and Restoration, Inc. (Newbuild) as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in the amount of $394,300 for the Police Station Windows Replacement Project, CIP No. PF-039 (Project); and (2) authorize the Public Works Director/City Engineer to approve up to $45,882 in contingencies to cover any change orders.
The original Police Station was built in 1965, however, its building footprint was expanded in 1997 to include an adjacent surface parking lot. The expansion project also included installation of a mosaic and a new façade that spans the entire Duquesne Avenue frontage to visually tie the old and expanded sections of the building together.
Los Angeles Fire Station Numbers 43 and 94 are located just outside the boundaries of the City, and several times per day engines travel along Duquesne Avenue to pass through the City when responding to emergency calls. The high frequency of their sirens blaring has proven disruptive to Police Department operations. The primary purpose of the Police Station Windows Replacement Project is to significantly reduce the amount of exterior noise that penetrates the interior of the building through removal of the existing single-pane windows and replacing them with double-pane windows. An additional benefit of the double-panes will be lower energy use resulting in lower costs to heat and cool the building.
After completing a competitive process, staff hired Citadel Environmental Services at a cost of $3,158 to perform a pre-renovation asbestos and lead survey of the windows on the original portion of the building. The resulting report of the samples taken concluded that lead and asbestos do not exist.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) for engineering design and construction management services for the Project was sent to competing on-call civil engineering firms who have similar work experience. RTI Consulting, Inc. was selected at a cost of $56,660 to perform the Project’s design work and to oversee its construction. The final plans and specifications were prepared for the Project and subsequently approved for publishing by the City Council during their meeting of March 11, 2024.
On March 14, 2024, Notice Inviting Bids No. 2427 was released to competing firms via PlanetBids and the following two responses were received:
1. German Builder: $379,440
2. Newbuild: $394,300
Although lower in price, German Builder’s bid was determined to be nonresponsive to the Notice Inviting Bid requirements and was rejected since they did not provide similar work experience examples, failed to submit a bid guarantee, did not include a notarized bid bond, and excluded required insurance documentation.
Newbuild has performed similar work and RTI staff called their references and found them to be favorable. Staff recommends hiring Newbuild to complete the Project.
The Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 includes sufficient funds for the $394,300 contract in the Capital Improvements Section in CIP PF039 (Police Station Improvements) from the Facilities Planning Reserve of the General Fund (Fund 420F). A total of $500,000 has been allocated to this project including design and construction.
A breakdown of the Project’s expenditures are as follows:
That the City Council:
1. Award a construction contract to Newbuild Construction and Renovation Inc. as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, in the amount of $394,300 to implement the Police Station Windows Replacement Project; and,
2. Authorize the Public Works Director/City Engineer to approve change orders to the Newbuild contract in an amount not-to-exceed $45,882, if necessary; and,
3. Authorize the City Attorney to review/prepare the necessary documents; and,
4. Authorize the City Manager to execute such documents on behalf of the City.