CC - CONSENT ITEM: Approval of a Three-Year Software Services Agreement with Swiftly Inc., for Automatic Vehicle Location Support Services Software for the Transportation Department in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $245,593.
Meeting Date: August 22, 2022
Contact Person/Dept: Mike Tobin/Transportation Department
Phone Number: (310) 253-6543
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Attachments: Yes [] No [X]
Commission Action Required: Yes [] No [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (08/17/2022)
Department Approval: Rolando Cruz, Chief Transportation Officer (08/04/2022)
Staff Recommends the City Council approve a three-year software services agreement with Swiftly, Inc (Swiftly) to provide software to integrate and manage automatic vehicle location systems for the Transportation Department in support of operations performance management, in an amount not-to-exceed $245,593.
The Transportation Department implemented a computer aided dispatch (CAD)/automatic vehicle location (AVL) system in 2017 using Clever Devices platform. This data coordinates vehicle route, operators, and schedule data to provide a comprehensive operational tool to manage the CityBus system.
Presently, a gap exists within the AVL system as it cannot provide a comprehensive reporting solution that enables management insight into bus operations data contained within Clever Devices system.
To that end, staff has researched the market for a commercial off the shelf software system that can utilize the existing AVL data in a cloud-environment to prevent comprehensive integration requirements with costlier on premises systems. In discussions with other municipal bus operators, including Torrance Transit and Santa Monica Big Blue Bus, Swiftly emerged as a proven solution which most closely matches the business needs for transit operators of active fleets of between 50-75 vehicles. Torrance Transit recently conducted a pilot for a software system of similar function. After a one-year period evaluating the Swiftly platform, formal procurement was conducted using the requirements informed by the pilot which yielded Swiftly as the selected proposer for award based on price and conformance with scope of work.
Pursuant to Culver City Municipal Code (CCMC) Section 3.07.055.E., software and related software maintenance are excepted from bidding requirements.
The City Council Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2022/23 includes sufficient funding in Account 20370100. 732160 (Transportation Administration - Software) to cover costs of $95,418 for Year 1. All future fiscal years will be incorporated into the Transportation Department’s annual budget request.
The table below outlines the estimated year-over-year costs for the first three years of the software. All software costs receive a 5% annual increase as per standard list pricing for the Swiftly platform.

No General Funds monies will be used as a part of this request.
That the City Council:
1. Approve an agreement with Swiftly, Inc. for Automatic Vehicle Location Support Services Software for three-years in an amount not-to-exceed $245,593;
2. Authorize the City Attorney to review/prepare the necessary documents; and
3. Authorize the City Manager to execute such documents on behalf of the City.