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File #: 16-824    Version: 1 Name: Evidence Lockers
Type: Minute Order Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 3/29/2017 In control: City Council Meeting Agenda
On agenda: 4/11/2017 Final action:
Title: CC - Approval of an Agreement with McMurray Stern for the Purchase and Installation of Police Department Evidence Lockers in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $32,500.00.
Attachments: 1. 2017-04-11 - ATT Letter of California Multiple Awars Schedule (CMAS) Contract Validation from McMurray Stern
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CC - Approval of an Agreement with McMurray Stern for the Purchase and Installation of Police Department Evidence Lockers in an Amount Not-to-Exceed




Meeting Date:  April 11, 2017


Contact Person/Dept: Lt. Heidi Hattrup/Police Department                     


Phone Number:  (310) 253-6109


Fiscal Impact:  Yes [X]    No []                                                                General Fund:  Yes []     No [X]


Public Hearing:  []          Action Item:                     [X]          Attachments: [X]   


Commission Action Required:     Yes []     No []   


Public Notification:   (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (04/04/17);


Department Approval:  Chief Scott Bixby (03/29/2017)






Staff recommends the City Council approve an agreement with McMurray Stern for the purchase and installation of Police Department evidence lockers in an amount not-to-exceed $32,500.00.





Property/evidence lockers are utilized by the Culver City Police Department (CCPD) to provide a secure chain of custody for short-term evidence storage.  The department currently utilizes 36 adjoining property/evidence lockers of varying height/width.  These two-way lockers were constructed approximately twenty years ago and consist of laminated fiberboard with a standard key locking mechanism. The lockers are accessible to officers from the exterior of the Property Room, and accessible to Property Room Technicians from the interior of the room. 


It is imperative that security and integrity of evidence is maintained at all times.  Advancements in evidence locker security including keyless entry and tamper resistant construction have altered accreditation expectations for police property room lockers.  In the Department’s efforts to establish Property Room Accreditation status, the purchase and installation of keyless evidence lockers would ensure that only the booking officer and property technician have access to items deposited for purposes of evidence, and chain of custody is maintained. 

McMurray Stern’s Spacesaver Keyless Evidence Lockers provide a secure chain of custody and are constructed of 14 and 18-guage cold rolled steel.  CCPD staff is familiar with McMurray Stern and Spacesaver products; McMurray Stern recently installed a refrigerated evidence locker unit as well as departmental firearm storage lockers. 


The purchase of Spacesaver products (storage lockers) is exempt from competitive bidding requirements pursuant to Culver City Municipal Code Section 3.07.045.G, as competitive bid procedures have already been utilized by the State of California Department of General Services as included on the California Multiple Award Schedule, and McMurray Stern will be supplying the lockers to the City at the same or better price, as was obtained through the prior competitive bid procedures. 





The City Council Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2016/2017 includes $32,500 for the purchase of new evidence lockers (41640454.732120). 





1.                     2017-04-11 - ATT Letter of California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) Contract Validation from McMurray Stern





That the City Council:


1.                     Approve an agreement with McMurray Stern for the Purchase and Installation of Police Department Evidence Storage Lockers in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $32,500.00; and


2.                     Authorize the City Attorney to review/prepare the necessary documents; and


3.                     Authorize the City Manager to execute such documents on behalf of the City.