CC - CONSENT ITEM: (1) Waiver of Formal Bid Requirements, Pursuant to Culver City Municipal Code Section 3.07.075.F.3; and (2) Approval of a Five-Year Contract with Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles (SPCALA) for Primary Animal Sheltering Services in an Amount Not-To-Exceed $294,000.00 for a Term Ending June 30, 2029.
Meeting Date: July 8, 2024
Contact Person/Dept.: Lieutenant Chris Caraballo/ Police Department
Phone Number: (310) 253-6251
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [] General Fund: Yes [X] No []
Attachments: Yes [] No [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (07/02/2024)
Department Approval: Jason Sims, Police Chief (06/19/2024) _____________________________________________________________________
Staff recommends the City Council (1) waive the formal bid requirements, pursuant to Culver City Municipal Code (CCMC) Section 3.07.075.F.3; and (2) approve a five-year contract with Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles (SPCALA) for primary animal sheltering services in an amount not-to-exceed $294,000.00 for a term ending June 30, 2029.
Since 2010, SPCALA has provided primary animal sheltering services for the City of Culver City offering 24/7 access to the shelter for animal drop-off by the City’s Animal Services Officers. SPCALA is an independent non-profit animal welfare organization, classified as a “low kill” shelter located in the City of Hawthorne. The County of Los Angeles Department of Animal Care and Control can provide animal sheltering services at their shelter in the City of Carson at a higher contract cost. Staff did not find another organization in proximity to Culver City that offers animal sheltering services that meet the City’s needs.
In general, CCMC Section 3.07.065 exempts general and professional services from the formal competitive bid process. However, pursuant to CCMC Section 3.07.045, where the same vendor has been utilized for a period of five years, the formal bidding procedures shall apply unless waived by the City Council. In this case, for the reasons set forth above, City staff is requesting that the City Council waive this requirement in accordance with CCMC Section 3.07.075.F.3.
The Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Police Budget includes sufficient funding to cover the $58,800 for the first year of the agreement for animal sheltering services in Account No. 10140200.619800 (Police Operating Bureaus - Other Contractual Services). The funding for subsequent years of the agreement will be included in future fiscal year budgets.
That the City Council:
1. Waive formal bid requirements, pursuant to CCMC Section 3.07.075.F.3; and
2. Approve a five-year contract with Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles (SPCALA) for primary animal sheltering services in an amount not-to-exceed $294,000.00 for a term ending June 30, 2029; and
3 Authorize the City Attorney to review/prepare the necessary documents; and
4 Authorize the City Manager to execute such documents on behalf of the City.