CC- CONSENT ITEM: (1) Approve a Waiver Relative to the Maximum Number of Special Events Allowable in a Calendar Year for The Culver Steps, Town Plaza and Ivy Station Properties Pursuant to Culver City Municipal Code Section 17.520.015.B; and (2) Designate Events Occurring at The Culver Steps and Town Plaza as City-Sponsored Events.
Meeting Date: November 13, 2023
Contact Person/Dept: Elizabeth Garcia, Office of Economic and Cultural Development
Phone Number: (310) 253-5708
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [] Attachments: [X]
Commission Action Required: Yes [] No [X] Date:
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (11/07/2923); Downtown Business Association (10/30/23); Business and News/Events GovDelivery (10/30/23)
Department Approval: Jesse Mays, Assistant City Manager (10/23/23)
Staff recommends the City Council (1) approve a waiver relative to the maximum number of special events allowable in a calendar year pursuant to the Culver City Municipal Code Section 17.520.015.B for The Culver Steps, Town Plaza and the Ivy Station properties; and, (2) designate events occurring at the Culver Steps and Town Plaza as City-Sponsored Events.
The Culver Steps, Town Plaza and Ivy Station properties were designed to facilitate community gatherings and attract visitors, residents, and employees to the City. Outdoor entertainment, community events and activities are conducive to these locations due to ample space, mobility/parking services and guest amenities. The Culver Steps and Town Plaza are located in Downtown Culver City at 9300 Culver Boulevard and the Ivy Station is located in the Arts District, adjacent to the Metro Expo Station, at 8840 Washington Boulevard.
CCMC Section 17.520.015.B stipulates that outdoor entertainment and assembly events and other similar events “…designed to attract large crowds, and which are held on private or public property [are allowed] for up to 12 days per calendar year or as determined by the applicable review authority.” However, it is anticipated that the frequency of the events, in the noted locations, will exceed the 12-event annual maximum authorized by the CCMC.
The Culver Steps is managed by IDS and includes a slate of events such as Movies on the Steps and the Summer Sunset Concert series, amongst others outlined in Attachment 1. Additionally, there are numerous City-produced and/or City-sponsored events anticipated on Town Plaza throughout 2024. Collectively, these events will exceed the 12-event maximum allowable at the 9300 Culver Boulevard location.
The Ivy Station (private property) was also designed to provide community programs/events in their public plaza to activate the area throughout the day/evening. The proposed programming will exceed the 12-event maximum for this property.
To this end, staff recommends the City Council approve a waiver relative to the 12-event maximum for Town Plaza, Culver Steps and Ivy Station to provide consistent economic and cultural activations for the Culver City community in designated spaces.
The Culver Steps / Town Plaza (Public Property) Usage and City Sponsorship
As part of their marketing program to activate the area, The Culver Steps is also requesting City-sponsorship for the following proposed events, including, but not limited to:
• Sounds on The Steps
• Movies at The Steps
• Juneteenth*
• Summer Sunset Concert Series*
• Christmas Tree Lighting*
*City-initiated event planned jointly with the Culver Steps
Pursuant to City Policy 2302, events produced in Town Plaza require City Sponsorship. To be categorized as a “sponsored” event by the City, an event must meet the criteria set forth in the Culver City Municipal Code (CCMC Section 17.300.040.B.7.b.ii and City Council Policy No. 2502, Special Events Grant Program), confirming that the City is (a) participating in an official capacity in the planning, preparation or promotion of the events or activity; and (b) contributing 25% of the total estimated costs of the civic event or activity or at least $1,000, whichever is less. This contribution may take form of funds, labor, staff time, materials, a coverage of fees, or any combination thereof.
The CCMC and Policy require both (a) and (b) conditions be satisfied. Additionally, the City Council Policy requires that for an event to be considered City-sponsored, the City Council must determine, by specific action, that the above criteria have been met.
The proposed events will satisfy the minimum financial contribution for City sponsorship of at least $1,000 in the form of in-kind staff time relative to the planning, preparation, and promotion of the events. Staff has confirmed that the proposed events at The Culver Steps in 2024 do not conflict with events currently scheduled for Town Plaza.
All events on private and public property will require a special event permit and The Culver Steps is responsible for ensuring that permits are completed per the required schedule. Additionally, events in Town Plaza will require a license agreement.
There is no direct fiscal impact relative to waiving the restriction on maximum number of special events allowable in a calendar year or in providing City sponsorship in the form of in-kind staff time.
1. Proposed 2024 Calendar for The Culver Steps and Town Plaza Submitted by Culver Steps/ IDS
That the City Council:
1. Waive the restriction on the maximum number of special events (12) allowable in a calendar year for Town Plaza (City-property), The Culver Steps (private property) located at 9300 Culver Boulevard and Ivy Station (private property) located at 8840 Washington Boulevard; and,
2. Designate events at The Culver Steps and Town Plaza (City-property), as City-Sponsored events; and,
3. Authorize the City Manager to approve applicable City permits and licenses needed to conduct events; and,
4. Authorize the City Attorney to review/ prepare any necessary documents; and,
5. Authorize the City Manager to execute such documents on behalf of the City.