CC - Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the Submission of an Application to the League of California Cities Helen Putnam Award for Excellence for the Tilden Terrace Mixed-Use Affordable Housing Project under the Housing Programs and Innovations Category.
Meeting Date: April 11, 2017
Contact Person/Dept: Tevis Barnes, Housing Division
Phone Number: (310) 253-5782
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: []
Commission Action Required: Yes [] No [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (04/04/17); Los Angeles Housing Partnership (03/14/2017)
Department Approval: Sol Blumenfeld, Director Community Development (03/29/17)
Staff recommends the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the submission of an application to the League of California Cities Helen Putnam Award for Excellence for the Tilden Terrace Mixed-Use Affordable Housing Project under the Housing Programs and Innovations category.
Helen Putnam Award for Excellence
Established in 1982 by the League of California Cities, the California Cities Helen Putnam Award for Excellence program recognizes outstanding achievements by California's 482 cities. The purpose of the California Cities Helen Putnam Award for Excellence program is to recognize and promote the outstanding efforts and innovative solutions by city governments to:
• Improve the quality of life in local communities
• Implement efficiencies in service delivery and operations
• Provide services responsive to the local community
This award recognizes outstanding cities that deliver the highest quality and level of service in the most effective manner possible in 12 categories. The categories include:
• Partnership Intergovernmental Collaboration
• Community Services and Economic Development
• Economic Development through the Arts
• Enhancing Public Trust, Ethics and Community Involvement
• Health and Wellness Programs
• Housing Programs and Innovations
• Internal Administration
• League Partners Award for Excellence in City-Business Relations
• Planning and Environmental Quality
• Public Safety
• Public Works, Infrastructure, Transportation
• Engaging Youth in City Government
The Community Development Department, Housing Division seeks City Council’s authorization to submit an application under the Housing Programs and Innovation category for the Tilden Terrace Mixed-Use Affordable Housing Project. The application deadline is April 13th, 2017. The Housing Programs and Innovations category is described below.
Housing Programs and Innovations
• Proven programs that deliver needed affordable housing
• Procedures that support development of housing at all economic levels appropriate for a city
• Innovative housing designs that are conducive to good land use planning and jobs balance, while preserving natural resources
• Planning that is supportive of sound, healthy, safe and community-oriented neighborhoods.
• Innovations in design, density, infrastructure, public services and effective creative financing
• Programs that are collaborative with other public and non-profit agencies and the private sector
Tilden Terrace Project
Tilden Terrace, Culver City’s first 100% Affordable Mixed-Use Housing development for families, is the product of a collaboration between the former Culver City Redevelopment Agency and the Los Angeles Housing Partnership. What was once a blighted and partially vacant block, has been transformed into a thriving area with 33 housing units (32 of which are affordable very-low, low- and moderate-income occupants, the 33rd unit includes on-site manager) and 10,700 square feet of neighborhood serving retail. The project was designed to a LEED Silver energy rating, and provides state of the art amenities such as a cyber library, community room and community garden for the residents. The ground floor commercial retail fronts Washington Boulevard, one of the City’s primary commercial corridors, and is designed to encourage pedestrian foot traffic through the use of wide sidewalks, building setbacks, inviting street furniture and colorful landscaping. The retail includes a sushi restaurant, orthodontist, credit union, and yoga for children and their families.
There is no fiscal impact associated with applying for the Helen Putnam Award for Excellence
1. Proposed Resolution
That the City Council:
Adopt of a Resolution authorizing the submission of an application to the League of California Cities Helen Putnam Award for Excellence for the Tilden Terrace Mixed- Use Affordable Housing Project under the Housing Programs and Innovations category.