PC - ACTION ITEM: (1) Discussion and Possible Approval of Draft Written Report to City Council Regarding Workplans; and (2) Authorize Transmittal to City Council.
Meeting Date: February 8, 2023
Contact Person/Dept: Erika Ramirez, Current Planning Manager
Ruth Martin Del Campo, Secretary to the Planning Commission
Phone Number: (310) 253-5710
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: [X]
City Council Action Item: Yes [X] No [] Date: (February 27, 2023)
Public Notification: (Email) Meetings and Agendas - Planning Commission (02/02/2023);
Department Approval: Jesse Mays, Assistant City Manager (01/26/2023)
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission (1) discuss and possibly approve the proposed Planning Commission list of accomplishments for the 2022 calendar year and the Planning Commission's work plan for the 2023 calendar year; and (2) authorize staff to transmit a memorandum summarizing the 2022 accomplishments and 2023 work plan to the City Council.
The Culver City Charter provides the City Council of Culver City with the authority, by ordinance, to establish and abolish Commissions, Boards or Committees as it may determine, from time to time, to be necessary for the effective and efficient governance of the City. The Culver City Municipal Code (CCMC) Section 3.03.005 establishes the Planning Commission and Section 3.05.400 establishes the Commission's powers and duties as the following:
A. After a public hearing thereon, recommend to the City Council the adoption, amendment or repeal of the General Plan, or any part thereof, for the physical development of the City.
B. Exercise such control over zoning, land subdivisions and building as is granted to it by the City Council and by the laws of the State of California;
C. Make recommendations concerning proposed public works and for the clearance and rebuilding of blighted or substandard areas within the City and public improvement in general;
D. Upon the direction of the City Council, issue Orders to Show Cause why use permits, exceptions or variances granted should not be revoked for violation and to hold necessary hearings, transmitting findings and recommendations to City Council. A person aggrieved by the action of the Commission may appeal to the City Council by filing a notice of appeal in accordance with the appeal procedures and within the time limits set forth in Chapter 17.640 of this Code; and
E. Perform such other duties, not inconsistent with the City Charter or this Code, as may be prescribed by ordinance, resolution, City Council Policy or other City Council action.
Zoning Code Section 17.600.15 includes in the Commission's duties and functions listed above, the following:
(1) The review and final decision on development projects and related environmental documents; and
(2) The recommendations, to the Council for final decision, on Development Agreements, General Plan Amendments, Specific Plans, Zoning Map/Code Amendments, and other applicable environmental documents, policy, or ordinance matters related to the City's planning process; and
(3) That functions listed above shall be performed in compliance with 17.500.010 (Authority for Land Use and Zoning Decisions), Table 5-1 (Review Authority) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
City of Culver City Council Policy Statement Policy Number 3002 was issued and took effect on May 10, 2021 by Resolution No. 2021-R040 to provide general guidelines for the City's Commissions, Boards and Committees (CBC), as well as to representatives appointed to outside agencies and boards. In Section VI. Commission, Board and Committee Interaction with City Council, the policy requires that "Periodically, but not less than biannually, each CBC shall submit to the City Council a written report on their respective activities."
The analysis below summarizes the Planning Commission's accomplishments during the 2022 calendar year and provides a list of anticipated activities for the 2023 calendar year defined in the Community Development Department's work plans that correspond to the responsibilities and duties of the Planning Commission defined by the CCMC.
2022 Accomplishments
* Approvals:
1. 9925 Jefferson Boulevard - SPR (51,178 SF Office Building)
2. 5861-5863 Washington Boulevard - SPR, Administrative Modification, AUP (2-story 16,900 SF Office Building)
3. 11039 Washington Boulevard - CUP, AUP (Vehicle Repair Bays)
4. 8902 Hubbard Street -TPM & Exception to Subdivision requirements (2-unit townhomes)
5. 4164 & 4170 Lincoln Avenue - TPM (2 two-unit condo developments)
6. 3430 McManus Avenue - CUP (Echo Horizon School)
7. 3906 Huron Avenue- TTM (5-unit condo development)
8. 12300 Washington Boulevard- SPR (4-story 11,100 SF Office Building)
9. 3826 Girard Avenue - TPM (4-unit condo development)
10. 3800 Sepulveda Boulevard - CUP (Beyond Hello Cannabis Retailer)
11. 9763 Culver Boulevard-SPR, DOBI (Culver Theatre Residences Mixed Use Development w/ 34 units)
12. 8631-8635 Hayden Place - SPR, AUP (244,000 SF office building)
13. 12727 Washington Boulevard - SPR, DOBI (mixed use w/ 104 units)
14. 3817-3855 Watseka Avenue- SPR (4-story 145,751 SF office building)
15. 4051 & 4055 Jackson Avenue- SPR Modification (9-unit townhome development)
16. 4168 Mildred Avenue- TPM (2-unit condominium project)
17. 8570 National Boulevard- SPR, AUP, Admin Mod (3-story office building)
18. 8825 National Boulevard- Comprehensive Plan, Zone Change and EIR (Crossing Campus Offices)
* Recommendations to City Council:
1. 2021-2029 Housing Element Update
2. 9763 Culver Boulevard - DOBI (Culver Theatre Residences)
3. 12727 Washington Boulevard - DOBI ( Mixed Use Development)
4. 8825 National Boulevard- Comprehensive Plan, Zone Change and EIR (Crossing Campus Offices)
* Zoning Code Amendments
1. 11039 Washington Boulevard - Zone Change (related to approved CUP for auto repair)
2. Downtown Ground Floor Retail Uses
3. Emergency Shelter Revision
4. Comprehensive On-Site Parking Requirements Update
5. TDM Ordinance Update - Collaboration with Public Works and Transportation Departments (In-progress)
6. Streamlining of Residential Developments - Objective Design Standards (In progress)
7. Affordable Housing Overlay Zone (In progress)
2023 Work Plan
* Projects (Official applications have been submitted)
1. 4464 Sepulveda -TPM (SB 35 Mixed-use project - 95 affordable units and church) - approved 1/25/23
2. 4233 East Boulevard - TPM (4-unit condo development) (TBD)
3. 10510 Culver Boulevard - SPR (3-story 51,584 office building) (TBD)
4. 8960-8966 Washington Boulevard- SPR (4-story 75,184 SF office building) (TBD)
5. 13431-13463 Washington- CUP Mod (Costco fueling station relocation and expansion) (TBD)
* Potential Projects (preliminary project review)
1. 5700 Hannum - Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Map Amendment, General Plan Map Amendment, DOBI (mixed use development w/ 330 units) (TBD- 2023/2024)
2. 9401-9449 Jefferson - Zoning Map Amendment, General Plan Map Amendment (4-story 250,000 SF media production site) (TBD- 2023/2024)
3. 5840 Uplander - CUP (Preschool/Kindergarten School) - (TBD)
* Recommendations to City Council
1. General Plan Update (In progress- Advanced Planning lead)
2. Comprehensive Zoning Code Update (scheduled to begin March 2023- Advanced Planning lead)
* Zoning Code Amendments
1. 2023 Annual Zoning Code Clean Up - scheduled 2/8/23
2. Streamlining of Residential Developments - Objective Design Standards (In progress)
3. Number Permit Extensions Allowed (Chapter 17.595)
4. Affordable Housing Overlay Zone (scheduled to begin March 2023)
5. TDM Ordinance Update - Collaboration with Public Works and Transportation Departments (In progress- Transportation Dept. lead)
* Municipal Code Amendments
1. Chapter 15.10 Subdivisions (TBD)
1. City of Culver City Council Policy Statement Policy Number 3002
That the Planning Commission:
1. Discuss the workplan report,
2. Establish the workplan, and
3. Authorize transmittal to the City Council.