MTP - ACTION ITEM - (1) Receive a Presentation on Proposed On-Street Parking Meter Rates, and 2) Discuss and Provide Direction to Staff.
Meeting Date: January 25, 2023
Contact Person/Dept.: Andrew Maximous/Public Works
Phone Number: (310) 253-5628
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [ ] General Fund: Yes [X] No [ ]
Attachments: Yes [ ] No [X]
Public Notification: E-Mail via GovDelivery (01/19/2024): Meetings and Agendas - Mobility, Traffic & Parking Subcommittee; Notify Me - Construction, Street Maintenance and Closures; Stay Informed - Bicycle & Pedestrian / Culver CityBus / Construction, Street Maintenance and Closures
Department Approval: Yanni Demitri, Public Works Director & City Engineer (01/17/2024)
Staff recommends the Mobility, Traffic & Parking Subcommittee receive a presentation on proposed changes to Culver City’s on-street parking meter rates, and 2) discuss and provide direction to staff.
Parking in Culver City (City) is a limited resource that is in high demand. The Public Works Department operates approximately 1,990 on-street parking meters within the City that generate an average of $82,000 in revenue per month.
On-street parking meters allow cities to manage on-street parking demand to promote efficient turnover and increase availability for the public to utilize or visit the adjacent land uses. The main tools to effectively manage on-street parking supply are parking rates, duration of stay, and time of operation. Of these, parking rates play a key role in traveler mode choice.
The City’s current rates were adopted in 2013 and revised in 2016. The rates range from $0.25 to $1.50 per hour based on their location within the City. Staff has analyzed the current on-street parking rates at various neighboring cities and is proposing that the City consider adjusting the parking meter rates to align with other cities in the region, reduce unnecessary on-street circulation and congestion, increase parking availability, and allow the City to more efficiently manage on-street parking demand.
The Public Works Department operates approximately 1,990 on-street parking meters throughout the City. The City has established three separate pay rates for different areas of the City ranging from $0.25 to $1.50 per hour. Below is a breakdown of the location, approximate number of existing meters, and pay rates within the City.
Location |
Approximate No. |
Rate Per Hour |
Commercial Areas |
783 |
$0.25 |
Outside of Downtown |
1,079 |
$1.00 |
Downtown District |
128 |
$1.50 |
By comparison, the City parking garages are free for the first hour, then $1.00 for each 30 minutes with a $12 maximum per day.
In 2023, total monthly transactions at the City’s parking meters have ranged from 60,000 to 106,000 with approximately 80% of the transactions being made with credit cards.
In 2015, the City installed meters with a 10-hour maximum duration to accommodate employee parking for local businesses.
City staff surveyed parking meter rates at neighboring jurisdictions and prepared the comparison of rates shown below.
City |
Rate Per Hour |
Location |
Santa Monica |
$1.25 |
All other areas |
$2.50 |
Downton and Beach |
Beverly Hills |
$0.75 |
Around Parks |
$1.00 |
Low demand commercial |
$1.50 |
High demand commercial |
$2.00 |
Downtown |
West Hollywood |
$2.00 |
Citywide |
Pasadena |
$0.75 |
Side Streets |
$1.00 |
High demand commercial |
$1.25 |
Downtown |
Inglewood |
$1.00 |
Citywide |
Los Angeles |
$1.00 |
Along Venice near Culver City |
$2.00 - $6.00 |
Downtown Los Angeles |
The use of parking pricing is an effective way to assist in the reduction of on-street traffic congestion, encourage shifts to more sustainable transportation modes, and facilitate efficient use of limited parking resources. Staff proposes to change the $0.25 per hour meter rate to $1.00 per hour to bring it in line with neighboring cities, help offset the credit card transaction fees, and improve parking demand management.
In addition, staff recommends that the existing 10-hour duration of stay be phased-out over a period of two years and changed to a maximum duration of 2 hours. This proposed change is intended to reinforce the short-term use of the parking spaces as well as the goals and objectives of the City’s Complete Streets Resolution and the Transportation Demand Management Ordinance. Staff anticipates that the proposed rate increases to the on-street parking meters would increase turnover of the parking spaces thereby creating increased availability. Staff plans to reach out to each affected business association to solicit feedback, hear concerns, and explore other options regarding employee parking.
Staff made a presentation to the Finance Advisory Committee at its January 10, 2024 meeting. The Committee voted unanimously in support of the staff recommendations with provisions to provide a $0.75/hour rate at on-street parking around City parks and to reach out to the Culver City Chamber of Commerce and Culver City Arts District to receive their feedback.
Based on the City’s current parking meter occupancy rates, the proposed rate increase for meters outside of the City’s downtown area from $0.25 per hour to $1.00 per hour is estimated to generate an additional amount of approximately $100,000 per month. However, it is likely that the proposed rate increase and proposed duration decrease will have an impact on the City’s parking meter occupancy rates. The extent of this impact is unknown at this time, but it is anticipated to change the occupancy rates.