BPAC - ACTION ITEM - (1) Consideration of Creation of New West LA College Ad-Hoc Subcommittee or Delegation and Appointment Thereto.
Meeting Date: April 18, 2024
Contact Person: Alicia Ide, Management Analyst, Public Works Department
Phone Number: (310) 253-5618
Fiscal Impact: Yes [ ] No [X] General Fund: Yes [ ] No [X]
Attachments: Yes [ ] No [X]
Public Notice: E-Mail via GovDelivery (04/18/2024): Meetings and Agendas - Mobility, Traffic & Parking Subcommittee; Notify Me - Construction, Street Maintenance and Closures; Stay Informed - Bicycle & Pedestrian / Culver CityBus / Construction Street Maintenance and Closures
Dept Approval: Yanni Demitri, Public Works Director/City Engineer (04/11/2024)
Staff recommends that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) consider creating a new West LA College Ad-Hoc Subcommittee with defined objectives and appoint two members to such Subcommittee, or alternatively consider appointing one or more members as delegates to the meetings of the City Council-West Los Angeles College Liaison Subcommittee.
The Ralph M. Brown Act (Brown Act) defines the differences between a “Standing Subcommittee” and an “Ad Hoc Subcommittee.” In summary, Standing Committees are required to comply with the provisions of the Brown Act (including public notification and public participation), while Ad Hoc Subcommittees are not subject to those requirements. A standing committee has a continuing subject matter jurisdiction, or a meeting schedule fixed by charter, ordinance, resolution, or formal action of a legislative body. Whereas, in general, an Ad Hoc Subcommittee serves only a limited or specific purpose, is not perpetual, and is dissolved when its specific task is completed or time period expires.
An earlier Ad Hoc West LA College Subcommittee was created at the February 16, 2023 BPAC meeting with the objective to meet with students and representatives of West LA College in order to discuss mobility challenges in and around and to and from the West LA College campus. The Subcommittee members could do any or all of the following: join, as appropriate, meetings between Public Works staff and representatives of West LA College; attend the meetings of the City Council West Los Angeles College Liaison Subcommittee; attend other related meetings; and engage generally with members of the College and Culver City community about bike and pedestrian issues. Subcommittee members would regularly report back to BPAC. The previous Ad Hoc West LA College Subcommittee was dissolved on July 20, 2023.
BPAC should determine whether to create a new Ad Hoc West LA College Subcommittee for fiscal year 2023-2024, should determine if such subcommittee would continue work similar in nature to the previous Ad Hoc Subcommittee or make changes to the Subcommittee’s objectives or activities, and should appoint two members to the Subcommittee if created.
Alternatively, BPAC should determine whether to appoint or one or two members as delegates to attend, participate, and report back on the meetings of the City Council-West Los Angeles College Liaison Subcommittee and other related meetings.
BPAC could make a motion to:
(1A) Create a new Ad Hoc West LA College Subcommittee to continue work similar in nature [or with newly defined objectives or activities],
(1B) Appoint two members to the Ad Hoc West LA College Subcommittee to begin work as of April 18, 2024;
(2A) Appoint one or more delegates to attend, participate, and report back on the meetings of the City Council-West Los Angeles College Liaison Subcommittee, and other related meetings beginning April 18, 2024.