1) Discuss the Recommendation to the City Manager and the City Council to Fly the Progress Pride Flag Over City Hall During the Month of June to celebrate Pride Month, 2) Consider Approval of the Recommendation and Determine Next Steps, and 3) Provide Direction to Staff as Deemed Appropriate
Meeting Date: April 25, 2023
Contact Person/Dept: Michelle Hamilton/Human Resources
Phone Number: 310-253-5640
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas- City Council (04/19/2023); (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas- Equity & Human Relations Advisory Committee (04/19/2023); (E-Mail) All City Staff (04/19/2023)
Department Approval: Dana Anderson, Human Resources Director (04/19/2023)
Staff recommends that the Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee (EHRAC) 1) discuss the request to the City Manager and the City Council to fly the Progress Pride Flag over City Hall during the month of June to celebrate Pride Month, 2) consider approval of the recommendation and determine next steps, and 3) provide direction to staff as deemed appropriate.
At the March 28, 2023, meeting, the committee achieved consensus to agendize this item for discussion. The committee will discuss the recommendation to the City Manager and to the City Council that the Progress Pride flag be flown over City Hall during June 2023 in honor of the 50th year anniversary of Pride in the United States and the significant number of LGBTQIA+ people living and working in Culver City. The City flew the Pride flag in 2021 and 2022.
June 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of Pride in the United States. Pride is celebrated during June each year to commemorate the Stonewall riots. Pride celebrates people coming together in love and friendship and illustrates how far LGBTQ+ rights have come and a reminder of how there is still much more awareness needed about the LGBTQ+ community
The Pride flag has been redesigned over the years, adding additional colors and stripes to include multiple historically marginalized groups within LGBTQIA+ communities. The colors represented in the arrow shape convey the progress made and the work still needed. The flag is now referred to as the Progress Pride flag.
There are no costs associated with discussion of this item.
1. Flying the Progress Pride Flag Over City Hall During June 2023 Report
That the Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee:
1. Discussion the recommendation to the City Manager and City Council to fly the Progress Pride Flag over City Hall during the month of June to celebrate Pride Month;
2. Consider the approval of the recommendation and determine next steps; and
3. Provide direction to staff as deemed appropriate.