CC - CONSENT ITEM: (1) Award of Construction Contract in the Amount of $3,025,824.51 to Toro Enterprises, Inc., as the Lowest Responsive and Responsible Bidder, for the 2024/25 Pavement Rehabilitation Project, PS-005; (2) Authorization to the Public Works Director to Approve Change Orders to the Toro Enterprises Contract in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $756,460 to Cover Contingency Costs (25%) and Paving of Additional Streets; (3) Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with SA Associates in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $102,400 for Construction Inspection Services for the 2024/25 Pavement Rehabilitation Project, PS-005; and (4) Authorization to the Public Works Director to Approve Amendment(s) to the SA Associates Agreement in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $15,360 to Cover Contingency Costs (15%).
Meeting Date: January 13, 2025
Contact/Dept.: Diana Szymanski/Public Works Engineering Division
Phone Number: (310) 253-5623
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [ ] General Fund: Yes [X] No [ ]
Attachments: Yes [ ] No [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (01/08/2025)
Department Approval: Yanni Demitri, Public Works Director/City Engineer (12/11/2024)
Staff recommends the City Council (1) award a construction contract in the amount of $3,025,824.51 to Toro Enterprises, Inc., as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, for the 2024/25 Pavement Rehabilitation Project, PS-005; (2) authorize the Public Works Director to approve change orders to the Toro Enterprises contract in an amount not-to-exceed $756,460 to cover contingency costs (25%) and paving of additional streets; (3) approve a professional services agreement with SA Associates in an amount not-to-exceed $102,400 for construction services for the 2024/25 Pavement Rehabilitation Project, PS-005; and (4) authorize the Public Works Director to approve amendment(s) to the SA Associates agreement in an amount not-to-exceed $15,360 to cover contingency costs (15%).
Based on the pavement condition rating in the pavement management system and staff evaluation, the following streets have been selected to be resurfaced with new asphalt:
• Sawtelle Blvd between Ballona Creek Bridge/City Limits to Sepulveda Blvd
• Cambridge Way between Buckingham Pkwy to Canterbury Dr
• Windsor Way between Buckingham Pkwy to Canterbury Dr
• Sumner Way between Buckingham Pkwy to Canterbury Dr
• Kensington Way between Buckingham Pkwy to Canterbury Dr
• Coombs Ave between Culver Blvd to Barman Ave
• Lafayette Pl between Culver Blvd to Lucerne Ave
• Jackson Ave between Braddock Dr to Farragut Dr/Revere Pl
• Selmaraine Ave and Emporia Ave to Port Rd
• Huntley Ave between Braddock Ave to Franklin Ave
• Huron Ave between Culver Blvd to End South/High School
• Herbert Ave between McLaughlin Ave to Sawtelle Blvd
• Crestview Ave between Ivy Way to Cul-de-Sac/Street End
The scope of work consists of removing and replacing 2 to 3 inches of deteriorated asphalt concrete with new rubberized asphalt concrete. Damaged curbs, gutters, and sidewalks will also be replaced where necessary.
Additionally, a slurry seal of the City owned parking lot along Culver Boulevard from Coombs Avenue to Elenda Street, Project No. PA-008 will be applied, as well as along Doverwood Avenue between Bristol Parkway to Green Valley Circle. Speed humps will be installed along Doverwood Avenue based on community feedback.
The 2024/25 Pavement Rehabilitation Project, PS-005 was bid in October/November 2024, as approved by City Council on October 14, 2024.
The competitive bid procurement was posted on PlanetBids on October 17, 2024. On November 14, 2024, the City’s Purchasing Division opened the bids, and below is a summary of the bid proposals received:
Contractor Bid Amount
Toro Enterprises $3,025,824.51
PALP dba Excel $3,529,430.52
All American Asphalt $3,643,435.50
Staff reviewed the three sets of contractor's bid documents and determined that Toro Enterprises Inc. had submitted the lowest responsive total base bid. Staff reviewed the bid proposal and found the bid documents responsive and complete. Toro Enterprises Inc.’s bond, contractor’s license, and worker’s compensation insurance were reviewed and determined to meet City requirements. Toro Enterprises Inc. is a well-established paving contractor and has completed many similar projects throughout the cities in southern California, including in Culver City, with satisfactory performance.
Construction Inspection
On October 25, 2024, an RFP for Construction Inspection Services was sent to all seven consultants on the 2023-2028 on-call Construction Management and Inspection list. Seven responses were received on November 12, 2024. Staff reviewed all seven proposals and determined SA Associates to provide the most comprehensive proposal at a reasonable fee and best meet the needs for this project. Since this is the first time Public Works is using SA Associates under the 2023-2028 on-call Construction Inspection Services firms, the on-call contract agreement will be initiated.
Additionally, a material testing service was selected from the City’s pre-approved on-call engineering firms.
Construction is scheduled to begin in Winter/Spring 2025 and will be substantially completed by Summer 2025. Typical Monday-Friday workdays are anticipated for this project's construction activities.
Approximately two weeks prior to construction activity, the adjacent businesses and residences will be provided with written information on the project schedule and contact information for questions and/or concerns regarding the project. The City will also use social media to inform residents and nearby businesses of the work and to provide on-going status reports.
The Project is funded by the City’s General Fund, Los Angeles County Measure R, and other funds as follows:
Proposed Project Budget
Funding Source Amount
The Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year includes funding for CIP Project PS-005 (2024/25 Pavement Rehabilitation Project) in three CIP accounts:
PS-005 Fund 420 Capital Improvement Fund $3,588,829.51
PS-005 Fund 431 Los Angeles County Measure R $ 337,900.00
PS-005 Fund 423 Cal Recycle Grant** $ 32,700.00
Total: $3,959,429.51
Project Expense Amounts
Toro Enterprise Inc Bid $3,025,824.51
25% Contingency $ 756,460.00
Construction Inspection Services (with 15% Contingency) $ 117,760.00
Material Testing $ 19,385.00
Survey Monument Preservation (Estimated) $ 40,000.00
Total Project Expenses: $ 3,959,429.51
**In March 2024, the City applied for and obtained a $32,700 grant through the Rubberized Pavement Grant Program, which is administered by the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). These funds will be used for the 2024/25 Pavement Rehabilitation Project.
CIP Project PS-005 (Arterial Street Pavement Rehab - 2024/25 Pavement Rehabilitation Project) can be found in the Summary by Project Type in the CIP section of the budget book on page 475 under Streets and Alleys.
That the City Council:
1. Award a construction contract in the amount of $3,025,824.51 to Toro Enterprises, Inc., as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, for the 2024/25 Pavement Rehabilitation Project, PS-005;
2. Authorize the Public Works Director to approve change orders to the Toro Enterprises contract in an amount not-to exceed $756,460 to cover contingency costs and paving of additional streets (25%);
3. Approve a professional services agreement with SA Associates for construction inspection services in an amount not-to-exceed $102,400 for the 2024/25 Pavement Rehabilitation Project, PS-005;
4. Authorize the Public Works Director to approve amendment(s) to the SA Associates agreement in an amount not-to-exceed $15,360 to cover contingency costs (15%);
5. Authorize the City Attorney to review/prepare the necessary documents; and
6. Authorize the City Manager to execute such documents on behalf of the City.