Bicycle & Pedestrian Action Plan
Meeting Date: March 16, 2017
Contact Person/Dept: Eric Bruins/Public Works Department
Phone Number: (310) 253-5616
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: []
Public Notification: (Email) Bicycle & Pedestrian (03/13/17);
Department Approval: Charles Herbertson, Public Works Director/City Engineer (03/13/17)
Staff recommends that the Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) appoint two members to serve on the interview committee to assist in consultant selection for the Bicycle & Pedestrian Action Plan.
On February 28th, the City posted a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a consultant to provide bicycle and pedestrian planning services for the creation of a Bicycle & Pedestrian Action Plan. The Action Plan will build on the foundation of the 2010 Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP) with a greater focus on traffic safety, project development, and implementation.
As described in the RFP, the City seeks to:
1) Update its Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan, adopted in 2010, to meet current ATP standards;
2) Create a Vision Zero policy and action plan to eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries in Culver City, with an emphasis on safety for people walking and biking; and
3) Develop up to three “grant-ready” project concepts for corridors identified as high priorities through the planning process.
The full RFP and potential scope of work are available on the City’s website at: <http://www.culvercity.org/Home/Components/RFP/RFP/1076/341>
The BPAC will play a critical role in developing the Bicycle & Pedestrian Action Plan by serving as the primary committee overseeing the process. As such, staff requests the BPAC’s input from the beginning of this process by participating in the selection of the consultant. Two BPAC members are requested to participate on an interview panel and provide input to staff. Staff will take the input into consideration when making a final decision on consultant selection.
Proposals are due on March 30th. Interviews are anticipated the week of April 17th during business hours.
That the Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) appoints (Person A) and (Person B) to assist staff in the selection of a consultant for the Bicycle & Pedestrian Action Plan by participating on an interview panel and providing input to staff.