CC - CONSENT ITEM: Approval of Final Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Publish a Notice Inviting Bids for Construction of the Robertson Boulevard Complete Street Project, PF024.
Meeting Date: January 13, 2025
Contact Person: Andrew Maximous, Mobility & Traffic Engineering Manager
Public Works Department
Phone Number: (310) 253-5628
Fiscal Impact: Yes [ ] No [X] General Fund: Yes [ ] No [X]
Attachments: Yes [X] No [ ]
Public Notification: E-Mail: Meetings and Agendas - City Council (01/08/2025)
Department Approval: Yanni Demitri, Public Works Director/City Engineer (12/05/2024)
Staff recommends that the City Council approve the final plans and specifications and authorize the publication of a notice inviting bids for construction of the Robertson Boulevard Complete Street Project, PF024.
On January 20, 2021, the City received confirmation from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) that Culver City’s Metro Active Transportation (MAT) application for pedestrian and bicycle improvements around the Culver City E Line station was selected for funding (Project). The Project scope incudes:
• Class IV separated bikeway along Robertson Boulevard between Venice Boulevard and Washington Boulevard;
• Bus only lanes along Robertson Boulevard;
• Establishment of bus boarding islands; and
• Pedestrian improvements including lighting, sidewalks, crosswalks, ADA compliant curb ramps, canopy trees, and street furniture.
On August 8, 2022, the MAT grant Funding Agreement was fully executed between the City and Metro to complete the Project along Robertson Boulevard.
Design of the project began in January 2024. Five conceptual plans have been developed with various bike and bus lane configurations. The concepts are intended to show what configurations can fit within the current roadway.
On April 11, 2024, the Project was presented to the Mobility, Traffic & Parking (MTP) Subcommittee. The Subcommittee provided feedback regarding the bike lane configuration, potential loss of parking, and the center turn lane. The Subcommittee instructed staff to reach out to the affected businesses.
On April 18, 2024, the Project was presented to the Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). The Committee provided feedback regarding the various bike lane configuration concepts. The committee was in support of the directional protected bike lanes with bus bays.
On September 19, 2024, the Project was presented to the BPAC. The Committee provided feedback on the 90% plans. The committee was in support of the project as presented.
On October 16, 2024, the Project was presented to the MTP Subcommittee. The Subcommittee provided feedback regarding the bike lane configuration, potential loss of parking, and the center turn lane. The Subcommittee expressed concerned about the impact of the removal of on-street parking to the local businesses.
Staff proceeded with the design plans according to the feedback received from the MTP
Subcommittee and BPAC. The plans attached to this report incorporate the feedback received.
Bike Lane Along East Side
The bike lane along the east side of Robertson Boulevard will be a 4’ wide raised lane at sidewalk level along with the five proposed bus bays. A strip of green colored concrete will denote the bike lane along with crosswalk markings at areas near the front door of a parked bus.
Bike Lane Along West Side
The bike lane along the west side of Robertson Boulevard will be 6’ wide, at street level adjacent to the existing curb, and protected by a 2’ wide concrete median. Green conflict markings at each of the five driveways along with warning signs will be placed to alert motorist of the presence of cyclists and pedestrians.
On-Street Parking and Center Turn Lane
Along the west side of Robertson Boulevard are nine on-street metered parking spaces. Seven of them allow for 10-hour parking and two of them allow for 30-minute parking. Robertson Boulevard currently has a center turn lane within the Project area.
With roadway space allocated to the bus bays and bike lanes, there is not enough remaining space to keep both the on-street parking and the center turn lane. There is space to have one or the other.
Staff reached out to the businesses in the area and received feedback and received concern regarding the removal of on-street parking. Staff proceeded with retaining eight on-street parking spaced and removal of the center turn lane as part of the final design.
Staff recommends the City Council approve the final plans and specifications and authorize the advertisement of construction bids for the Robertson Boulevard Complete Street Project. The construction is tentatively scheduled to start in Summer 2025.
The engineer’s cost estimate for the project is $1,100,000. The Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 includes funding in the amount of $930,559.53 in CIP Project No. PF024 (Expo to Downtown Connector) in the Capital Grants Fund (Fund 423) on page 480 of the budget book The funding for the project is primarily from the Metro Active Transportation grant. Additional funding will come from existing Public Works general fund accounts.
• 2025-01-13-ATT-CC-Robertson Boulevard Complete Street Final Layout Plan
That the City Council:
1. Approve the final plans and specifications and authorize the publication of a notice inviting bids for construction of the Robertson Boulevard Complete Street Project, PF024.