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File #: 24-416    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Minute Order Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 10/21/2023 In control: City Council Meeting Agenda
On agenda: 11/13/2023 Final action:
Title: CC - CONSENT ITEM: (1) Approval of Delegating Policy Ideas from the July 2023 Olympics Kick-off Public Workshop, to Relevant City Council Subcommittees and the Cultural Affairs Commission; and (2) Direction to the City Manager to Convene a Special Meeting in Spring 2024 with the Ad Hoc 2028 Olympic Preparation Subcommittees of the City Council, Cultural Affairs Commission, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission and Other Organizations as Directed.
Attachments: 1. City Council Ad Hoc 2028 Summer Olympics Preparation Subcommittee.pdf, 2. Culver City Olympics 2028 Kick Off – Key Takeaways.pdf, 3. 2023-11-13 ATT Olympics Kick-off Policy Issues Delegation Matrix.pdf
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CC - CONSENT ITEM: (1) Approval of Delegating Policy Ideas from the July 2023 Olympics Kick-off Public Workshop, to Relevant City Council Subcommittees and the Cultural Affairs Commission; and (2) Direction to the City Manager to Convene a Special Meeting in Spring 2024 with the Ad Hoc 2028 Olympic Preparation Subcommittees of the City Council, Cultural Affairs Commission, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission and Other Organizations as Directed.



Meeting Date: November 13, 2023


Contact Person/Dept.:                     Elizabeth Garcia/Office of Economic and Cultural Development


Phone Number:                                            (310) 253-5708


Fiscal Impact:  Yes []    No [X]                                          General Fund:  Yes []     No [X]


Attachments:   Yes []     No [X]   


Public Notification:   (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (11/07/2023)  


Department Approval:  Jesse Mays, Assistant City Manager (11/02/2023)






Staff recommends the City Council: (1) approve delegation of the policy ideas to the relevant City Council Subcommittees and the Cultural Affairs Commission; and (2) direct the City Manager to convene a Special Meeting in Spring 2024 with the Ad Hoc 2028 Olympic Preparation Subcommittees of the City Council, Cultural Affairs Commission, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission, and other organizations as directed.





In January 2023, the City Council created the City Council Ad Hoc 2028 Summer Olympics Preparation Subcommittee (“Olympics Subcommittee”), comprised of Council Members O’Brien and Puza. In June 2023, the work plan (Attachment 1) was approved by City Council to include a kickoff event in July 2023 to celebrate the five-year countdown until the opening ceremonies and to conduct a high-level brainstorm/community visioning workshop relative to Culver City’s role in the games.  More than fifty people attended the workshop to discuss topics related to arts and culture, tourism, policy issues, and infrastructure/improvements.




Policy suggestions from the public at the July 2023 meeting included the creation of an arts festival, temporary art installations, developing tourism assets/destination promotion, policy issues relative to short term housing, transportation, mobility, infrastructure access and amenities such parks/fields/pools (Attachment 2).


To advance the discussion and prioritization of these policy items, it is recommended that the City Council delegate further consideration and discussion to the relevant policy bodies: various City Council subcommittees, and the Cultural Affairs Commission. The list of suggestions from the July 2023 meeting and recommended body for delegation is attached to the staff report (Attachment 3). Some policy issues may be issues on which the subcommittee or Commission is already working.  Others may be new policy issues.  If approved by the City Council, staff for the Olympics Subcommittee would follow-up with staff from the relevant subcommittee or Commission to ensure the policy discussion occurred at a future meeting of the subcommittee or Commission, and the results of that policy discussion are transmitted back to the Olympics Subcommittee.  


The Olympics Subcommittee also recommends that the City convene a joint meeting in the Spring of 2024 with the Ad Hoc 2028 Olympics Subcommittees as well leadership representatives from the Culver City Historical Society, Sister City Committee and other organizations as directed. City staff representing Transportation, Public Works, PRCS, Finance, and Office of Economic and Cultural Development will also participate in the joint session. The purpose of the meeting would be to discuss planning for the 2028 Olympics. In particular, the Olympics Subcommittee would like to discuss how the City will plan for celebrating the arts during the Olympics. Questions include: what are the City’s arts-related goals for the Olympics?  For example, does the City want to host one or more arts festivals? In order to achieve its goals, should the City engage a consultant, work with a non-profit, work through an existing policy body, use City staff, or some combination of all, to achieve its goals for arts?  Who should lead the effort?


West Los Angeles College (WLAC) has also expressed interest in working with the City to prepare for the 2028 games. As there is already an Ad Hoc Committee relative to WLAC coordination, it is recommended that discussions be held during that forum for future planning and partnership.





There is currently no fiscal impact relative to advancing a special meeting other than the cost for staff’s time to work on these projects.





1.                     2023-11-13 ATT City Council Ad Hoc 2028 Summer Olympics Preparation Subcommittee Workplan.

2.                     2023-11-13 ATT Olympic Kick-off Key Takeaways - July 2023

3.                     2023-11-13 ATT Olympic Kick-off Policy Issues Delegation Matrix





That the City Council;


1.                     Delegate policy ideas as indicated in the staff report to various City Council Subcommittees and the of the City Council and the Cultural Affairs Commission;




2.                     Direct the City Manager to convene a Special Meeting in Spring 2024 with the City Council, Cultural Affairs, Parks, Recreations and Community Services Commissions Ad Hoc 2028 Olympic Preparation Subcommittees and other organizations as directed; and