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File #: 24-302    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Minute Order Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 9/19/2023 In control: City Council Meeting Agenda
On agenda: 10/9/2023 Final action:
Title: CC - CONSENT ITEM: (1) Award of a $1,000 Off-Cycle Special Events Grant and Designation of the Center Theater Group's "Dog Man: The Musical" as a City-Sponsored Event; and (2) Authorization to the City Manager to Administratively Approve Applicable City Permits and Licenses Needed to Conduct the Event.
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CC - CONSENT ITEM:  (1) Award of a $1,000 Off-Cycle Special Events Grant and Designation of the Center Theater Group’s “Dog Man: The Musical” as a City-Sponsored Event; and (2) Authorization to the City Manager to Administratively Approve Applicable City Permits and Licenses Needed to Conduct the Event. 


Meeting Date:  October 9, 2023

Contact Person/Dept:  Elizabeth Garcia / Office of Economic and Cultural Development

                                                                     Edgar Varela/ Office of Economic and Cultural Development


Phone Number: (310) 253-5708                        


Fiscal Impact:  Yes [x]    No []                                                                      General Fund:  Yes []     No [X]

Attachments: Yes []    No [x]

Commission Action Required:     Yes []     No [X]   

Public Notification:   (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (10/03/2023); Center Theatre Group (10/03/2023)

Department Approval:  Jesse Mays, Assistant City Manager (09/26/2023)






Staff recommends the City Council (1) award a $1,000 Off-Cycle Special Events Grant for in-kind staff time and designate of the Center Theater Group’s Dog Man: The Musical as a City-Sponsored Event; and (2) authorize the City Manager to administratively approve City permits and licenses needed to conduct the event.



On May 8, 2023, the City Council (1) awarded $89,352 in grants and designated 15 events as City-sponsored events through Fiscal Year 2023/2024, as recommended by the Special Events Grant Program Ad Hoc Subcommittee; (2) authorized up to $30,000 in contingency for off-cycle event support; and (3) authorized the City Manager to administratively approve applicable City permits and licenses needed to conduct the events, provided such permits and licenses are consistent with the scope of the event set forth in the grant application.






On August 28, 2023, the Center Theater Group (CTG) requested an off-cycle special event grant to promote their upcoming production at the Kirk Douglas Theater, running from November 21, 2023 to January 7, 2024.  Since 2004, CTG has operated the City-owned Kirk Douglas Theatre, located at 9820 Washington Blvd,.  As theaters continue to rebound from the pandemic, it has become important to expand marketing efforts to attract new audiences.   CTG has requested City Sponsorship for placement of banners in the right of way for its upcoming production of Dog Man: The Musical, based on a popular bestselling children’s book series by Dav Pilkey.


City Sponsorship


To be categorized as a “sponsored” event by the City, an event must meet the criteria set forth in the Culver City Municipal Code (CCMC) Section 17.330.040.B.7.b.ii and City Council Policy No. 2502 (Special Event Grant Program), confirming that the City is (a) participating in an official capacity in the planning, preparation or promotion of the event or activity; and (b) contributing 25% of the total estimated costs of the civic event or activity or at least $1,000, whichever is less.  This contribution may take the form of funds, labor, staff time, materials, a coverage of fees, or any combination thereof.


The CCMC and Policy require conditions (a) and (b) to be satisfied.  Additionally, City Council Policy requires that for an event to be considered a City-Sponsored event, the City Council is required to determine, by specific action, that the above criteria be met. This event meets the criteria for City Sponsorship because the City will participate in the promotion of the event, which will require at least $1,000 in in-kind staff time. As a requirement for event sponsorship, the organizers for the events must identify the City of Culver City as a sponsor of the event in all promotional materials.


Off-Cycle Event Support


One of the primary goals of the Special Event Grant Program (“Program”) is to consolidate requests, thereby limiting the number of off-cycle event support requests. However, the Program Policy 2017-R006 provides for City Council consideration of off-cycle Special Event Grant Program/ City-Sponsorship requests. 


Special Event Grant Program City Council Ad Hoc Subcommittee (Subcommittee) Recommendation


The Subcommittee convened on September 19, 2023 to discuss CTG’s request. The Subcommittee recommends an in-kind award of a $1,000 off-cycle special events grant and designation of Center Theater Group’s Dog Man: The Musical at the Kirk Douglas Theater as a City-Sponsored Event





The $1,000 in off-cycle support will be comprised of in-kind staff time (for marketing and coordination).  CTG will be responsible for acquiring and funding all permits related to banner installation.










That the City Council:


1.                     Award a $1,000 off-cycle, in-kind special events grant and designate the Center Theater Group’s Dog Man: The Musical as a City-Sponsored event; and


2.                     Authorize the City Manager to administratively approve applicable City permits and licenses needed to conduct the event.