CC - ACTION ITEM: (1) Discussion Regarding the Culver City Interfaith Alliance and Other Communication Initiatives for Community Religious Groups; and (2) Direction to the City Manager as Deemed Appropriate.
Meeting Date: October 14, 2024
Contact Person/Dept.: Stephanie Condran / Human Resources Department
Phone Number: (310) 253-5640
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Attachments: Yes [] No [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (10/09/2024)
Department Approval: Dana Anderson, Human Resources Director (10/02/2024) _____________________________________________________________________
Staff recommends the City Council (1) discuss the Culver City Interfaith Alliance and other communication initiatives for community religious groups; and (2) provide direction to the City Manager as deemed appropriate.
The City Council received consensus during the February 12, 2024, Council meeting to direct staff to prepare an agenda item to discuss the “Culver City Area Interfaith Alliance Cooperation Circle (CC)" (Alliance). The Alliance, which is currently inactive, was part of the United Religions Initiative comprised of over 1,100 member groups called “cooperation circles” in 112 countries. At the height of its operation, the Alliance was a community-based cooperation circle that worked to foster understanding, cooperation, and unity among diverse religious traditions, activities, events and organizations in Culver City, California, and its neighboring areas. The Alliance was led by and comprised of faith-based community leaders and members from various faith communities and was independent of the City.
Previous Mission of the Alliance:
• Promote the exercise of faith and practice of religion in Culver City, California, and adjacent areas;
• Cultivate a friendly, cooperative, and synergistic relationship between the City's government and religious communities; and
• Build partnerships among the religious congregations to develop community impactful ministries for Culver City residents to work together for the benefit of the total community without compromising doctrinal values or beliefs.
Prior Membership and Action Areas of the Alliance:
The Alliance included members from diverse faith traditions, such as but not limited to Bahá’í, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism.
Activities focused on interfaith and intercultural dialogue, emphasizing mutual respect and understanding. The Alliance hosted events where spiritual leaders discussed topics from their various faith traditions, including charity, fasting, conversion, and social services they provided. Additionally, they collaborated with other organizations, supporting events like “Peace Sunday” and a Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Celebration.
Current Status of the Culver City Interfaith Alliance:
Several years ago, the Alliance went dormant for a variety of reasons including the COVID-19 pandemic and the departure of prominent members of leadership from the Alliance.
Community Outreach
City staff reached out to neighboring agencies, such as the City of Santa Monica, City of West Hollywood, City of Beverly Hills, and City of El Segundo, to inquire if they have an organization similar to the Alliance. However, staff found these agencies do not lead nor participate in such an organization. Staff was also made aware of the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office Interfaith Advisory Board, which was launched in March of 2024 with the goal of fostering mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation among diverse spiritual communities, while advising the District Attorney on matters pertaining to interfaith perspectives in the pursuit of equitable justice.
City staff met with Dr. Frances Wattman Rosenau, pastor of the Culver City Presbyterian Church. Dr. Wattman Rosenau was previously a member of the Alliance. She provided insight as to the Alliance being a community-based organization that allowed for the exploration of various religious groups. Dr. Wattman Rosenau stated that the Alliance hosted community-based meetings that tended to draw members/participants who were exploring their own spirituality or fostering their interest in interfaith dialogue.
Dr. Wattman Rosenau would like to see the Alliance have a clear purpose and end goal should the Alliance relaunch. Dr. Wattman Rosenau discussed the challenges of being a member of an organization without a clear vision and purpose and was interested in assisting where possible, but she does not have the time commitment to lead this effort at this time.
City staff also met with community member Eric Rudin, who was a strong advocate for, and now is a current member of, the Jewish Families Advisory Council for the Culver City Unified School District. Mr. Rudin expressed that such an Alliance would have an impact on the Culver City School District and surrounding community, as it would include a variety of local congregations coming together. Mr. Rudin stated that such an Alliance should be free of politics and a forum for community-based faith groups to discuss current topics and the potential for collaboration within the community. Mr. Rudin also discussed the viability of the program in regard to the time commitment and conveyed that there should be a clear objective and purpose should the Alliance resume.
City staff also met with former Mayor Jim Clarke, who was heavily involved in the Alliance prior to and throughout his position as Mayor. Mr. Clarke confirmed that the Alliance was led by the community and comprised of community members, and there was no formal involvement by the City. The previous Alliance was made up of reverends, pastors, and other religious leaders from smaller and larger faith-based organizations in Culver City. The meetings focused on the activities the members were working on within the faith-based organizations to which they belonged. However, according to Mr. Clarke, the Alliance seemed to lack reaching the goal of collaboration.
The discussions with Dr. Wattman Rosenau, Mr. Rudin, and Mr. Clarke indicated that there is some community interest in relaunching the Alliance, but the relaunch would benefit from a clear purpose, a reasonable time commitment, and a meeting schedule. These former members would like to see more collaboration and productive meetings and activities taking place to receive a sense of purpose and acknowledgement of the Alliance by the Culver City community.
Legal Issues
City staff, in consultation with the City Attorney’s Office, could not find any municipalities within California that have established a City-led or based Interfaith Alliance. In reviewing the background of the Alliance, staff confirmed that this organization was not a City-based nor City-led organization but was an independent community-based organization. Considering the Alliance was a religious based organization, the City’s involvement with such an organization could potentially run afoul of the Establishment Clause, particularly if the City were to start, lead and/or provide guidance to the Interfaith Alliance if the organization was solely based on religious perspectives/participation, or if the City otherwise failed to remain viewpoint neutral with respect to religion.
Based on the outreach performed and the legal issues presented above, if the City Council wishes to participate in these efforts, City staff recommends two options.
First, the City could support and/or work with a private organization, including but not limited to an Interfaith Alliance, while remaining viewpoint neutral in its efforts. The City could support such organization through communication efforts such as inviting it to City events, service opportunities, or programs to foster diversity and/or anti-hate or for other public purposes. The City should not lead or provide direction to such private organization. There has not been a specific individual or group which expressed interest to lead the initiative of relaunching the Interfaith Alliance or a similar body.
Second, if the City Council wishes to create a City-based or City-led body, it should ensure steps are taken to remain viewpoint neutral as to religion. For instance, the public body should consist of members from all religious groups, as well as secular representatives such as various community organizations or members from other sectors. Further, persons of any or no faith should be invited to participate, and the purpose and objectives of the public body should be clearly defined by Council. However, this option will utilize additional staff (which are already limited) and resources, as well as may result in other City priorities shifting to accommodate a new public body.
There are no fiscal impacts associated with discussion of an Interfaith Alliance. Should the City Council give direction to create or support an organization, there may be costs associated with that direction.
That the City Council:
1. Discuss the Culver City Interfaith Alliance and other communication initiatives for community religious groups; and
2. Provide direction to the City Manager as deemed appropriate.