BPAC - ACTION ITEM - Receive an Update and Discuss the Complete Streets Design Guidelines.
Meeting Date: January 16, 2025
Contact: Thomas Check
Mobility & Traffic Engineering Division, Public Works Dept
Phone Number: (310) 253-5627
Fiscal Impact: Yes [ ] No [X] General Fund: Yes [ ] No [X]
Attachments: Yes [X] No [ ]
Public Notification: E-Mail via GovDelivery (01/13/2025): Meetings and Agendas - Mobility, Traffic & Parking Subcommittee; Notify Me - Construction, Street Maintenance and Closures; Stay Informed - Bicycle & Pedestrian / Culver CityBus / Construction, Street Maintenance and Closures
Department Approval: Yanni Demitri, Public Works Director & City Engineer
Staff will provide an update on the Complete Streets Design Guidelines. Committee members will have an opportunity to ask questions, discuss, and provide staff with input.
In October 2014, Los Angeles Metro adopted a Countywide Complete Streets policy which, among other things, required cities to adopt their own Complete Streets policies remain eligible to receive Metro grant funding. In October 2017, the City Council directed staff to develop a Complete Streets policy. The City Council adopted a Complete Streets policy in January 2020, which also authorized the Public Works Director/City Engineer to develop local design Guidelines.
The City subsequently applied for and won a grant from Caltrans to develop local Complete Street Design Guidelines that would serve as right-of-way development standards applicable to all public streets in the City. City staff kicked off the development of the Guidelines on September 19, 2023. At the September 21, 2024, Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee meeting, staff introduced the project to the Committee and requested feedback regarding opportunities for facilitating public engagement and involvement on the development of the Guidelines.
Staff returned to the Committee on January 18, 2024, to provide an update on the Guidelines. Staff also presented examples of Complete Streets treatments for different roadway (functional) classifications, solicited feedback from Committee members about what elements they find most important to make a street “complete,” presented the project’s Guiding Principles, and announced the first community engagement event.
On February 28, 2024, staff hosted a Community Open House at Veterans Memorial Park where members of the public were able to learn about the concept of Complete Streets, the design elements, and had the opportunity to “build” their own Complete Street. On April 21, 2024, staff hosted a booth at CicLAvia-Venice Blvd. This “pop-up” style event was intended to reach diverse audience to promote awareness of the Complete Streets Design Guidelines Project. Staff collected feedback at the event through direct engagement with the public, and attendees were also able to submit their comments via a QR code survey.
In tandem with the Complete Streets Design Guidelines Project, staff performed extensive community engagement for the Better Overland & Safer Fox Hills Project, which proposed a comprehensive suite of Complete Streets treatments to Overland Ave/Playa St, Hannum Ave, Green Valley Cir, Buckingham Pkwy, and Bristol Pkwy. Outreach activities included three community open houses, two lunch & learns, two walk audits, and more. Given the parallels between the Better Overland & Safer Fox Hills Project and the goals of the Complete Streets Design Guidelines Project, staff used feedback collected at these events to inform the development of the draft Guidelines.
At the 2024 Fiesta La Ballona event, held on August 23-25, City staff hosted a booth that provided a “sneak peek” of the upcoming draft Complete Street Design Guidelines. This provided an additional avenue for the public to learn about the project and submit feedback. The draft Complete Street Design Guidelines were subsequently released on September 30, along with an online feedback portal. While comments were originally due on October 20, the deadline was extended to November 29 based on community feedback.
Staff are now in the process of reviewing all comments and have made revisions and clarifications throughout nearly every section of the document based on feedback received. Once the final draft of the Guidelines is published, staff will host additional community workshops to educate the public about the purpose of the Guidelines and discuss how the City will implement Complete Streets designs in future roadway improvement projects.