BPAC - ACTION ITEM: Discussion Regarding Potential Installation of Digital Wayfinding Kiosks in the Public Right of Way.
Meeting Date: October 24, 2024
Contact Person: Alicia Ide, Management Analyst, Public Works Department
Phone Number: (310) 253-5618
Fiscal Impact: Yes [ ] No [X] General Fund: Yes [ ] No [X]
Attachments: Yes [X] No [ ]
Public Notification: E-Mail via GovDelivery (10/21/2024): Meetings and Agendas - Mobility, Traffic & Parking Subcommittee; Notify Me - Construction, Street Maintenance and Closures; Stay Informed - Bicycle & Pedestrian / Culver CityBus / Construction, Street Maintenance and Closures
Department Approval Yanni Demitri, Public Works Director/City Engineer (10/21/2024)
At the meeting on October 28, 2024, the City Council will consider an interactive digital kiosk program with commercial advertising, along City sidewalks and public rights-of-way.
Since 2021, the City Council has discussed a potential interactive digital kiosk program in the public right of way that would provide for community information such as wayfinding, special events, business directories, cultural and art assets, and emergency alerts among other things. One component of the potential program would include commercial advertising to fund the kiosk infrastructure, installation and maintenance as well as provide an additional revenue to the City.
In June 2024, the City Council approved a Zoning Code Amendment that permits digital kiosks in the public right-of way for the purposes of providing public information selected by the City, including commercial advertising, and in July 2024, a Request for Proposal (RFP) for potential vendors was issued.
The RFP requested information from qualified vendors regarding, the design, potential quantity and siting of kiosks, infrastructure, installation, operation, maintenance, use, accessibility, financing, public outreach, successful case studies, advertising strategy, respondent qualifications, technology, and additional information related to the kiosks. The RFP also requested a proposed cost/advertising revenue sharing program that provides for the kiosk’s infrastructure, installation, utilities costs, and on-going maintenance at no cost to City.
On October 28th, the City Council will consider two proposals received in response to the RFP and provide direction to staff regarding furthering a potential program.
At this meeting, BPAC members will discuss safety and other considerations regarding the kiosk program.
• 2024-09-19-ATT-BPAC-Mtg-CCMtg2024-07-08-StaffReport-25-292-Adoption of Zoning Code Amendments Related to Digital Wayfinding Kiosks on Public Property and Authorization to Release RFP for Interactive Digital Kiosks