Outstanding Job Performance Recognition: Francisco Olague, Scout Vehicle Operator for Public Works Department, EPO Division.
Meeting Date: February 7, 2024
Contact Person/Dept: Amy Webber / Human Resources Department
Phone Number: 310-253-5640
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No []
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [] Attachments: [X]
Public Notification: (Email) Meeting Agenda (02/02/24); (Email) All City Staff (02/02/24)
Department Approval: Dana Anderson, Director of Human Resources (02/02/24)
The attached memo details a recommendation from the Public Works Department, which was approved by the City Manager, awarding Scout Vehicle Operator, Francisco Olague, one (1) working day off with pay in recognition of his outstanding job performance. The award is before you tonight for public acknowledgement in accordance with Civil Service Rule 15.4.
15.3(e) Outstanding Job Performance Recognition Program:
a. Oral recognition by the appointing authority.
b. Written recognition by the appointing authority with copies to the employee and the Human Resources Department for placement in the employee’s personnel file.
c. City Council resolution commending the employee, i.e., City Council commendation.
d. Granting of up to three (3) working days off with pay.
e. Increase in compensation (step advancement within range prior to scheduled date or additional step beyond that scheduled).
f. Cash award, up to $1,000. Cash award will be taxable, non-PERSable and subject to available funds within the awarding department’s budget.
g. A combination of any of the recognition awards set forth above.
15.4 Procedures:
The appointing authority may recommend an employee for an outstanding job performance which meets the criteria of the program. The appointing authority shall prepare written recommendations and shall forward them to the City Manager for approval, disapproval, or modification. The recognition award and/or commendation (excluding oral and written recognition by the appointing authority) shall be forwarded to the Commission for public acknowledgment.
1. 2024-02-07 - ATT Merit Award Francisco Olague