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File #: 23-41    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Minute Order Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 7/19/2022 In control: City Council Meeting Agenda
On agenda: 8/8/2022 Final action:
Title: CC - CONSENT ITEM: Approval[BS1][BC2] of an Amendment to the Existing Professional Services Agreement with Raimi + Associates, Modifying the Scope of Services for the General Plan Update (GPU) for an Additional Amount Not-to-Exceed $129,570.
Attachments: 1. 2022-08-08_ATT1_Add Services Budget Detail.pdf, 2. 2022-08-08_ATT2_Amended Agreement.pdf
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CC - CONSENT ITEM: Approval of an Amendment to the Existing Professional Services Agreement with Raimi + Associates, Modifying the Scope of Services for the General Plan Update (GPU) for an Additional Amount Not-to-Exceed $129,570.



Meeting Date: August 8, 2022


Contact Person/Dept.: Troy Evangelho /Advance Planning/CDD                     


Phone Number:  (310) 253-5744


Fiscal Impact:  Yes []    No [X]                                          General Fund:  Yes []     No [X]


Attachments:   Yes [X]     No []   


Commission Action Required:     Yes []     No [X]   


Public Notification:   (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (08/03/2022)


Department Approval:  Sol Blumenfeld, Community Development Director (07/21/2022)






Staff recommends the City Council approve an amendment to the existing professional services agreement with Raimi + Associates, modifying the scope of services for the GPU for an additional amount not-to-exceed $129,570.





Over the past year, additional work on the GPU project was requested by the City Council, Planning Commission, General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Members, and community. Some of the requested work has required significantly more time than was programmed in the original project. This report outlines the proposed modified scope of work and related budget required to proceed with the GPU as directed. The contract with GPU consultant, Raimi + Associates (Raimi), was executed on June 25, 2019. Since then, five amendments have been approved for the contract. On October 25, 2021 a sixth proposed amendment did not receive approval. The budget amendments are shown on Pages 4 and 5 of Attachment 1, Budget Memo.


The first amendment was for assistance with a survey requested by the City Council related to the reimagining public safety efforts. Amendments two through four were related to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) grants awarded to the project, on which Council received a report at its August 9, 2021 meeting. The fifth amendment processed in August 2021 addressed tasks (5.6, 8.8, and 10.6), as summarized in the September 27, 2021, City Council report. The original agreement and amendments are included as Attachment 2, Amended Agreement.


A sixth amendment was originally proposed on September 27, 2021, and City Council directed staff to make modifications regarding single-family residential areas and in-person, rather than virtual, public engagement events. That sixth amendment was not approved by the required four-fifths vote on October 25, 2021 due to concerns regarding the content of the Housing Element Update.


On June 27, 2022, City Council approved an additional $130,000 for the Advance Planning Division to support the ongoing GPU project as part of the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year Budget. The $130,000 is sufficient to cover the requested amendment.





The GPU scope of work was modified to account for the additional $130,000 allocated to the Advance Planning division budget during the 2022-2023 fiscal year budgeting process. Should City Council approve the requested modification to the GPU scope of work, it would constitute the sixth amendment to the agreement. The following summarizes the tasks for City Council's consideration, with detailed descriptions in Attachment 1:


Amend Task 2.7: Would add one additional GPAC meeting, in-person, to be timed with the launch of the Public Draft General Plan. The amount allocated to this task would be $5,222.


Amend Task 2.9: Remaining funding for Pop-up Workshops + Community Meetings for Urban Systems would be reallocated to offset additional work under this amendment. The amount reallocated from this task would be $3,090.


Remove Task 2.16: Remaining funding for the Volunteer Communications Network would be reallocated to offset additional work under this amendment, as City staff coordinates with the network without the support of Raimi. The amount reallocated from this task would be $4,800.


New Task 2.17: Neighborhood and Corridor Engagement would be added to include neighborhood and corridor meetings lead by Perkins & Will at Planning Commission and City Council's request to have further engagement discussions around land use. This task was also brought up as a suggestion by some GPAC Members. The amount allocated to this task would be $33,409.


Amend Task 5.3: Remaining funding for the Team Working Meeting + Charrette for Urban Systems would be reallocated to offset additional work under this amendment. The amount reallocated from this task would be $5,150.


Amend Task 5.4: Alternatives for Areas of Change has required a significantly higher level of effort than was anticipated in the original scope of work. This additional work has been the result of the development of alternatives for R-1 neighborhoods and has already been completed. The amount allocated to this task would be $18,952.


Amend Task 5.6: Select Preferred Direction would allow for the continued coordination of Perkins & Will and Nelson\Nygaard with City staff to evaluate and prepare additional land use changes anticipated to result from outreach meetings with residents and stakeholders under Task 2.17. The amount allocated to this task would be $19,364. This task took significantly more time than originally programmed due to City Engineer and Public Works Director staffing changes that resulted in redundancy in review time for the GPU consultants.


Amend Task 7.6: The Public Draft Plan and Housing Element Update (HEU) have required a higher level of effort than was anticipated in the original scope of work. Revisions to the HEU sites inventory and related program changes required additional time for the document preparation by Veronica Tam & Associates (VTA), and revisions to portions of the document that had already been completed. This amendment accounts for the additional effort for that completed work and for continued coordination with VTA to finalize these changes and accommodate any additional changes through HCD HEU certification and adoption of the GPU. This amendment also includes additional time for Nelson\Nygaard to complete revisions to the Mobility Element street classifications, policies, and detailed implementation strategy, and continue coordination with Fehr & Peers traffic modeling team. The amount allocated to this task would be $68,071, including $28,325 for the HEU.


Amend Task 9.2: City Council, Planning Commission, + Other Updates and Study Sessions have required a significantly higher level of effort than was anticipated in the original scope of work. This amendment allows for Raimi + Associates and Nelson\Nygaard to attend up to two additional meetings timed with the release of the Public Draft General Plan, assumed to be in person. The amount allocated to this task would be $10,352.


Amend Task 11.2: Status/Management Meetings have required a significantly higher level of effort than was anticipated in the original scope of work. This amendment allows for the continued coordination among Raimi, Nelson\Nygaard and City Staff. The amount allocated to this task would be $12,240.


Amend Mileage and Travel: A portion of the remaining mileage and travel expenses for Raimi would be reallocated to offset costs for additional meetings and coordination. The amount reallocated from Mileage and Travel would be $25,000.





Sufficient funds for the amendment have been included in the Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2022/2023. At the June 27, 2022 public hearing on the budget, City Council approved an additional $130,000 for the Advance Planning division to supplement GPU funding. Should the City Council approve this sixth amendment, the total GPU contract would increase by $129,570 for a total of $2,571,918.





1.                     2022-08-08_ATT1_Add Services Budget Detail

2.                     2022-08-08_ATT2_Amended Agreement





That the City Council:


1.                     Approve an amendment to the existing professional services agreement with Raimi + Associates, modifying the scope of services for the GPU for an additional amount not-to-exceed $129,570;


2.                     Authorize the City Attorney to review/prepare the necessary documents; and


3.                     Authorize the City Manager to execute such documents on behalf of the City.